We’re on The Learning Life Podcast!

The board game hobby continues to smash through boundaries. And we’re excited to be a part of it!
Today we made another such breakthrough on a podcast targeted to business leaders — The Learning Life Podcast with Jon Tota.
(Of course, it helps that I’ve gotten to know Jon Tota through my day job leading the marketing efforts at eLearning Brothers. But we’ll gladly take any connections we can!)
As you might guess from the title, The Learning Life focuses on the learning industry. They have weekly guests sharing new insight, new stories, and best practices to help organizations take their learning to the next level.
But we weren’t talking about learning this week. (Even if playing a new game always requires learning new rules.)
When Jon saw our 2020 Board Game Gift Guide last month, he thought it would be an awesome idea to take a break from the weekly corporate learning talk and talk about something fun — family board games!
This time of year, no matter their occupation, people are looking for fun things to do with family and friends. And sharing great game ideas is something I’m always happy to discuss.

In the 20-minute podcast we cover quite a few things. We start by talking about how our family got into reviewing family board games. From there we cover things like why we love physical board games, the various types of games, how kids approach games, why games are good for adults, what our favorite aspects of getting a new game are, why replayability matters, and how to turn an idea for a new game into reality.
And of course we talk about our annual Board Game Gift Guide being a great resource.
Jon was very complimentary when he says that he’s getting all his family board game recommendations from our site. And after he reads the rules to a game, he checks our site and often understands the game better from reading our explanations. What a nice compliment.

Jon wraps up the podcast with a lightning-round of 5 situations — asking my top game recommendation for those situations.
And, if you know me, narrowing it down to just 1 for each situation is very tough. I can think of at least 10 others I could have said when it got to that point, but I was on the quick hot seat. So that’s how it lands.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun talking with Jon and I’m excited that it has the chance of being heard by business leaders all over the world.
Give it a listen!