A little R&R with 15 Backpacking Boy Scouts

Ok, so maybe taking 15 Boy Scouts on a backpacking trip this weekend won’t include a lot of Rest & Relaxation. But it probably will be filled with Rambling and Rambunctious boys.
And it should be a lot of fun.
Being a scoutmaster can be a lot of work. But it can also be very rewarding.
Working with young men ages 12-13 is fantastic. They’re at such an important stage in life with so many critical decisions ahead. Taking time to be with them in the great outdoors provides so many opportunities to teach good values and instill confidence in their abilities to tackle hard things.
With switching our website to a new host provider, getting things settled with that, and preparing for a backpacking camping trip, this week is pretty full. We’ve got a few reviews on tap, but they’ll just have to wait. After all, our main purpose in this site is helping people recognizing the enjoyment to be had with those close to you. That’s priority #1. And this week, that involves backpacking and camping with a bunch of boys.
Of course, I am slipping one game in my backpack to take. And if you’ve followed our reviews, you may have a good guess at which one it is…

I think we may be considering FTW for future travel and “Bears” looks like a great game for camping, especially if you ditch the huge box. Those dice are pretty compact.
Have fun on the trip!