Theme Every Game Night with Medieval Collectibles
Our boys love fantasy books & movies and games with a fantasy theme.
Looking over the list of board games we’ve reviewed, you’ll see a ton of fantasy-themed games that top their lists such as Descent: Journeys in the Dark, Thunderstone Quest, Shadows Over Camelot, and The Resistance: Avalon.
One of the book series they started reading when they were young is The Ranger Apprentice. It’s set in medieval times and follows the adventures of Will, an orphan who is chosen as an apprentice Ranger (skilled trackers, archers and warriors) in the service of the King of Araluen. And our copies are very well used.

The story, theme, and artwork is also what prompted one of our boys to make their own Ranger’s Apprentice cloak and longbow — which they’ve all used for a Halloween costume and other dress-up over the years.
While they’ve had a fun time with their homemade cloak, we know many people around the world go to much greater lengths to get dressed in themed attire for many different occasions.
Cosplay has exploded over the past two decades and the resources available to fans to make or buy costumes and accessories of all sorts has kept pace.
One such resource is Medieval Collectibles — a one-stop-shop for collectors of medieval weapons, renaissance clothing, and many other such items.
To get a first hand look at the high quality and range of their items, they sent us a Black Hilt Rapier and a Norman Crusader Guarding Door Bookend.
To cut to the chase, we’re extremely impressed with both items.

Black Hilt Rapier
While the Black Hilt Rapier is less ornate than many of their other rapiers, it’s super high-quality and we love both the look and the feel of it.
The blade is crafted of stainless steel and the guard is cast-metal and features a cage around the swords ricasso. The grip swells slightly and feels fantastic in your hand.

And the scabbard is just as high quality. Not only is it sturdy and nice looking, but it also fits on the blade very snuggly. It’s not going to just slide off by itself.
We know a rapier isn’t really a “Ranger’s Apprentice” type weapon. Rapiers are more the style of Musketeers — but we don’t have such attire to pair with it. So that’s why our photos are modeling it with our simple cloak instead. We hope it still give you a good view of the rapier.

But that just scratches the surface of the types of styled weapons you can find through Medieval Collectibles.
In the weapons category alone they have well over 3,000 items to choose from in: Swords, Daggers, Pole Arms, Oriental Swords, Knives, Throwing weapons, Archery, Firearm Replicas, Fencing, LARP weapons, Foam Prop weapons, and accessories!

Norman Crusader Guarding Door Bookend
I must warn you — once you start looking at what Medieval Collectibles has available, you may lose track of time. At least, that’s what happened to me.
And when I came across the bookends category, I got really excited.
That’s probably because we have a lot of books and a wide range of styles of bookends on our bookshelves. And a Medieval Collectibles bookend called out to me. The big question was which one!
The Norman Crusader Guarding Door is sweet!

We’re very impressed with not just how it looks but how sturdy it is.
It’s made from cold cast bronze and weighs in about over 2 lbs. It has no problem supporting The Way of Kings book series on our shelves.
At close to 8 inches tall, it also has a commanding presence visually. And the details are intricate.

The textures of the chainmail armour, wooden door, flowing cloak, and stone steps all pop.
Plus, even the back of the door includes details!
We love that attention to detail even though you’re mostly never going to see the back because it will be supporting books. Nicely done.

And if, like us, you think this Crusador bookend looks cool, get a look at the other 24 styles of bookends they have. The dragons, knights, steampunk locomotive, vintage camera, propeller, and octopus all look awesome too.
Plus, the Home Decor section also includes thousands of other items in various other categories: clocks, mirrors, candle holders, door knockers, coasters, crystal balls, lamps, wall hooks, blankets, pillows, vases, and much more.
Medieval Collectibles also takes great care in packaging and shipping. They take great care to make sure you get your goodies in pristine condition. As it states on their website, “All of our packages are shipped insured to protect against loss or damage.”
So Much More
That’s our little peek at only 2 items from the thousands you’ll find at Medieval Collectibles. In addition to the weapons and home decor items, you’ll find so much more.
On the flip side of weapons for example, you’ll find hundreds of items in the Armour category including chainmail and shields.
And of course, the Clothing category seems to go on forever. It includes thousands of items in Medieval, Pirate, Gothic, Steampunk, and Samurai styles.
Let’s not forget all the jewelry that you might want to go along with your attire as well. They’ve got plenty to choose from.
Take a look for yourself at Medieval Collectibles and find something that suits your fancy. You won’t be disappointed.
We’d like to thank Medieval Collectibles for these items to review.