Serpent Stones board game on Kickstarter

We’ve highlighted board games and card games on Kickstarter before, but we don’t do so very often. But there’s a new 2-playerstrategy card game up on Kickstarter that we are interested in and wanted to spread the word.
If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a website created to fund projects. And they can be projects of any kind – art, music, design, fashion, food, film, games, and much more. It’s a great way for people with a great idea to get their projects off the ground. The post their project on Kickstarter and then others around the world can pledge a contribution to the project – in any amount. If the the goal or target amount of funds is reached, then the project is funded and the money exchanges hands. Of course if the goal isn’t met, then no one is out any money.
Over the past 2 years, potential and existing board game publishers have used Kickstarter to get their board game ideas up and running. It’s a great way to gauge demand and at the same time find initial funding to get their game into production and out in the hands of players around the world.
Serpent Stones
Serpent Stones is recent addition to Kickstarter and the board game company Dangermoose Entertainment is looking to raise just $5,000 to get their card game initially published. The deadline is just a month away on August 26, 2012 and they’re 60% of the way to their funding goal.

There are a couple things that interest me with Serpent Stones. As their description states “Serpent Stones is a fast, tactical two-player game of ancient warrior tribes. Capture, strike, sacrifice, and emerge victorious!” The first interest for me is the 2-player strategy aspect. We love great 2-player board games and abstract strategy games. The second aspect is the theme – ancient Aztec warriors sound pretty cool.
And the other reason why I think it will be cool is because designer Robert Harrington of Dangermoose Entertainment enlisted the assistance of Game Salute and their Springboard program to launch the card game. Springboard is used to test out games before they go up on Kickstarter. As you can imagine, anyone with a game idea could post their game on Kickstarter. What Springboard does is scrutinize the game and help refine it before it goes to Kickstarter. It’s kind of a seal of approval that I can really support.
So with those elements in its corner, we’ve got high hopes for Serpent Stones and hope it makes its way to game store shelves around the world. You can help by adding your pledged contribution to making this game possible. Check out Serpent Stones on Kickstarter.