National Chess Day – Celebrate in style
Of course, like many others, we weren’t aware that there even was a National Chess Day until just this week. But now that we do know, we’re spreading the word.
So pull out your chess boards and get playing.
It’s a perfect day to challenge your kids to a classic game of chess. Or if they don’t know how to play yet, then take some time to teach them. Then you can set up your own family chess tournament.

If you don’t yet have a chess set in your home, then we suggest you get one. You can get anything from just a basic chess set to a very elaborate set. Or you can find one based on a theme that you think your kids (or you) will love – like Disney, Dragons, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Medieval, or Legos.
If you don’t yet know how to play chess, don’t worry because there are also a myriad of options for learning how to play chess.

You can pick up a chess book, read more online from a ton of different sites, or choose from a bunch of software or app options for your mobile device. We bought a game for our computer years ago that was a fun way to learn chess. It was called Majestic Chess and made learning chess an adventure. You set out on a quest and as you went you were presented with challenges to conquer and they would step up in difficulty as you progressed in the quest.
Chess is one of the most popular games around. You’ll find chess clubs everywhere. But when was the last time you pulled out a chess board and played a game? If you’re like us, it’s been a while. We have so many fun family board games to play that we sometimes overlook the tried and true mental challenge that chess can bring. We even overlooked Chess when we wrote earlier this year about great 2-player, head-to-head board games.

But we’re definitely not overlooking Chess today!
We’re pulling out our oversized chess board today and having some fun!