Gaming helps Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
This year I, dad, am joining in the Extra Life event and I’d love your support!
I’ve been intrigued by the Extra Life charity event and written about it in years past. But this year I’m diving in!
It’s no Ice Bucket challenge, so you won’t see a video of me dumping water on me head.
Instead it’s a drive to help Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. All the money raised for Extra Life 2014 will go directly to a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.
I’ve selected Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.
We have a number of friends whose lives have been blessed because of the tremendous care their children, and they, received at Primary Children’s Hospital. We’re excited to pledge our support to the hospital.
What is Extra Life?
Extra Life began in 2008 as a 24-hour video game marathon to raise funds to help treat a young girl fighting a battle with cancer. Since then it has become an annual event that has raised more than 8 million dollars for children’s hospitals, $4 million of which was raised in 2013 alone!

And as of this writing, nearly $1,000,000 has been raised for the 2014 event.
While the initial drive for Extra Life was 24 hours of video gaming, it has expanded to include games of any sort – such as board games and card games.
So if you’d like to join in the efforts and try to play games for 24 hours straight – join the fun!
Actually, you don’t really even need to play games to show your support.
After watching in the wings for the past few years, I’ve decided it’s time to join in.

If you’d like to donate to the efforts, consider a $1 donation for each hour ($24).
You can go directly to my donation page or do a search on the Extra Life site for Trent Howell.
All donations are collected securely by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and are Tax Deductible.
They accept major credit cards, offline donations, and PayPal.
When is the Extra Life 2014 event?
The official date is set for October 25th, 2014 beginning at 8:00am.
However, that would mean playing until Sunday at 8:00am – which I don’t intend to do because that would mean sleeping Sunday away (or falling asleep in church).
So I’m planning to begin Friday evening, October 24th, and run through Saturday night when we’ll cap it off with a game of How to Host a Murder: The Chicago Caper with some great friends.
Dice Bags for Charity – with Special Coupon

Another great way to help out this year will also give you a game treat in return – a cool Dice Bag.
I recently received a message from a reader in Ontario who decided to knit something to donate to a local Extra Life gaming event. Nicole loves to knit and thought it would be great to knit items to be auctioned off and help raise money for the cause. Because this event is being hosted at a games shop in her area she decided to make Dice Bags.
In addition to auctioning dice bags, she’s selling them on her online store. Partial proceeds of the sales will go to Extra Life.
But that’s not all…
She has created a special Coupon Code for these Dice Bags for you – The Board Game Family readers.
Use the coupon code family15 for a discount!
Measuring around 6.5″ x 8″, the bag it will stretch to hold more than just dice, such as meeples, tiles, dice or whatever else you’d like to store in it.
She noted that they’re also available in other colors, just ask!
Time to get our Game On for a great cause!
Thanks so much for the shout out Trent!!