Wig Out – Kids card game review

Matching games are great for young kids. The simple process of matching can build confidence and give kids plenty of enjoyment.
Wig Out is a quick card game of crazy hairstyles that rewards fast matching for up to 6 players.
Since its a card game, there’s plenty of luck – which also means victory can be up for grabs.
And with the frantic pace of play, there’s plenty of energy in getting that victory.
How to play Wig Out
Wig Out is played in a series of 5 rounds with players trying to get rid of their hand of cards. Players don’t take turns, but instead play their cards as fast as they can.
Players can only play a card from their hand if it matches a hairstyle card pile on the table. If there isn’t a matching hairstyle card pile already on the table, players can play a matching pair from their hand to start a new pile.
If players can’t play any cards, they must draw cards from the deck and add them to their hand until they can make a match.
Once someone gets rid of all their cards, they shout “Wig Out” and the round ends. Everyone with cards still in their hand gains a point for each card they have. Then it’s on to the next round.
The player with the lowest score at the end of 5 rounds is the winner.

Simple and fast.
Can the whole family enjoy Wig Out?
Wig Out is a game best suited for younger players. The recommended age on the game is 6+, but kids younger than 6 can enjoy it as well.
It’s a game also best suited for playing with kids in the same age range or developmental range. Even though there’s the luck of the draw, older kids, or quick thinking kids, will have an advantage over younger kids across 5 rounds.
On the flip side, we have seen younger kids win because many times, they would rather wait for a matching opportunity to present itself rather than drawing more cards into their hand.

There are 14 different type of cards in the game and players either start with 5 or 7 cards in their hand (depending on # of players). At the outset of the game, only a few types of hairstyle cards will be played to the table. So to get rid of all your cards, chances are high that you’ll need to draw more cards from the deck to uncover those hairstyles to make matches. But that also means you run the risk of having the round end while you have a bunch of cards in hand.
Young kids can often be fixated on what’s in their hand. So they’ll sit with 2 cards in their hand for a while waiting to see someone else created a hairstyle card pile that matches their cards, then play them.
They may not know they’re employing a strategy, but that’s one way to go.
The alternative is what dad likes to do – draw cards as fast as he can to get most styles on the table as soon as possible with the hopes of spotting matches and playing his cards the quickest. (That’s left dad with some rounds of high scores as well. Too bad dad.)
How does Wig Out score on the “Let’s Play Again” game meter?
Amongst the younger kids, Wig Out scores high on the “let’s play again” game meter. It’s such a quick playing simple game, with almost zero set up time that playing one game after another is easy to do.
Thanks Gamewright for a good family card game for the younger crowd.
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