Happy, but Sad – A New Chapter

Why do our children think they can just grow up and become independent?
I mean, just because we teach them skills to be able leave the nest and fly, does that mean they really have to?
Well, that’s the situation we (mom & dad) are finding ourselves in right now.
Our youngest child just moved off to college!
While it’s a very exciting time for both him and us, it’s also a time of sadness.
We’re sad to close this chapter of our lives — the chapter filled with little tikes running around, young kids adventures, youth sports, late at night homework, late nights with friends, and many fun games.
But we’re also happy in looking forward to Caleb’s adventures ahead!

Caleb’s Reviews
Did you know that Caleb teaching a game when he was 5 was part of the impetus behind us starting this website and doing family board game reviews?
It was way back in 2009 when we filmed our first video review of a board game with Caleb in front of the camera that got this whole think off the ground. He explained how to play Pandemic and we were off and rolling.
Since then, he’s done video reviews of more than 50 games!
And that’s also taking into account that his last video review was in 2017. Like his older siblings, once he got busy in high school, his video review days fizzled out.
We sure get a kick out of looking back on some of those early videos.
Check out Caleb’s list of favorite games from a few years ago.

New Chapter of Life
What do you do when you finish one chapter?
If it’s a good story, you plow right ahead to the next chapter.
And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.
We’re grateful that our kids still live close. It means we can get together regularly for dinners and fun. It’s just a different type of fun than when they were younger and living at home.
We’re also looking forward to new adventures ourselves. The possibilities are endless.
But don’t worry game lovers, our board game reviews won’t stop. We’ll keep sharing our thoughts on fun new games for families to enjoy playing together.

That’s super exciting…but I definitely understand the bittersweet feeling. My oldest just got married last weekend and so, with my second child on a mission, that leaves just one child at home. It’s such a strange feeling. I’m excited for them to grow up and move on and do great things, but it’s weird to think that this home will slowly get more empty.
Best wishes to Caleb and your family. 🙂