A Lab of . . . Monkeys?
“YEOW!!” Timothy screeched as the reckless researcher injected him with yet another dose of who-knows-what. This was ridiculous. He had been in this white-washed lab for only two days, and Timothy already felt like Swiss Cheese because of all of the holes that had been made in him for “research.” Unbelievable.

“That’s the last one for today,” the researcher finally announced after watching Timothy swell for a couple of minutes from that last injection. “Back to your cage you go little buddy.”
Timothy was all to happy to comply. He practically flew to his cage, and once he got there, he launched himself to the very back corner and hugged his toes. The researcher lazily walked over to the cage and shut it, then he called out to his lab partner who was running tests on one of the other monkeys. “Hey, Bill! I’m shuttin’ down in here. Be sure to tell Murray when you leave. You know how he is. Always taking his job so seriously…” The researcher kept mumbling to himself while he walked over to his computer, shut it off, grabbed his overcoat and car keys, and shut off the lights in the room.
As the researcher strolled out whistling, Timothy slowly crept forward to the edge of his cage, and wrapped his fingers around the cage door.
What a foolish man. Timothy thought. How foolish they all are. They thought they were so sneaky when they caught us four. Little did they know that we knew what they were up to. So we let ourselves get caught. Why? To reach our full potential that’s why! Why I oughtta…
“Tim! Stop straining yourself! You’re gonna burn a hole right through that head with all that thinking, you are!” Timothy looked up and saw Samantha talking to him. Sam never was the most polite hippo in the pool. But then again, she wasn’t a hippo. “I’m serious! You’re not thinking about escape so early, are you?”

“That’s easy for you to say!” Timothy shouted back. “You’ve just been getting fed bananas and pills every day! Whereas the rest of us are all becoming Swiss Cheese! So yes, I think tonight is the night we break out. And I’m sure Chris will agree. He’s had it the worst out off all of us!” (Chris was out cold in his cage in a position that looked most uncomfortable.) “So I don’t know about you, but tonight is the night for me.” And with that, Timothy unlatched his cage and quietly dropped out. (His researcher wasn’t a very wary one.)
He made his way over to the table where his tests had been run earlier that day, groping around in the darkness and hoping not to knock anything over since the other researcher was still in the room right next to his. Finally he made it to the table, and he scaled it with ease. From his new perch, Timothy could see the other researcher had just put Cranium back into his cage, and was going to get his things. Timothy grabbed a microscope sitting on the table, and made his way over to Cranium’s cage.
When he made it, he climbed onto the cage and used his microscope to smash the lock that kept Cranium’s cage closed. Dropping the microscope, Timothy slipped into Cranium’s cage and took a look around. When he saw Cranium, he smiled. It wasn’t Cranium at all! Just a limp monkey doll.

Just then Timothy heard a deafening screech and shout behind him. He turned around just in time to see Cranium on top of Murray, the night guard. They were both struggling around, but it was Murray that looked truly ridiculous with his night guard uniform struggling to get a little monkey off his head!
But then again, the other monkey’s didn’t call him Cranium for nothing. He was definitely the mastermind of them all. When Timothy looked up, he saw that Cranium hadn’t gone up against that big hulk of meat unarmed. He had a box! And with the box, he proceeded to cover Murray’s head and run him into the bathroom. While all of this was going on, Samantha appeared on top of the cage that Timothy was in, supporting Chris with her right shoulder. He looked weak, but the fire in his eyes said that he wasn’t ready to give up without a fight!
“Let’s follow Cranium into the bathroom and see what needs to be done about Murray!” Chris feebly said. So that’s what they did. When they got to the bathroom, they found that Murray had turned the box to his own advantage, and had trapped Cranium with it! “We’d better do something!” Timothy said to the others. “I’ve got this covered.” Chris announced, releasing Samantha from the burden of half carrying him.

Suddenly, Chris pulled a rope from somewhere inside his lab clothes. Leave it to Chris to have something handy like that, Timothy thought. Then, with new found strength, Chris ran at Murray screeching at the top of his monkey lungs. Murray turned to see two monkeys standing in the doorway to the bathroom staring at him. Then he looked closer and saw that another monkey was charging him with a lasso screeching like a rabid panda bear! Only more high pitched.
Before Murray even had time to react to what was happening, Chris had lassoed his neck, and had jumped up to tie his hands together.
“I’d better get in there!” Samantha said to Timothy. And with that, she too ran screaming at Murray, grabbing a scalpel on a cart as she came hurdling at him. Timothy decided that with two on Murray, he should probably help Cranium, so he ran over to the overturned box and lifted the side enough for Cranium to get out.

By this time, Chris had tied Murray’s hands together and had pulled out another rope to work on his legs. Samantha had been laughing and screeching at the same time while she repeatedly pricked Murray’s toes with the scalpel. Murray was struggling around, but couldn’t do much because his both of his hands were tied to his neck, and his legs were getting ever more restricted. Timothy and Cranium just stood back and watched this spectacle with amusement. Chris finished with Murray’s legs, and with a final act of defiance, climbed up his body and slapped his face. Murray was so dazed that he just fell backward . . . Strait into a toilet! Which Timothy proceeded to flush, and they all watched as the swirling water soaked his hat and twirled his hair round and round.
“Well, that was great fun!” Cranium announced. “I think all of those injections really improved my IQ!”
“Now let’s free all the rest of the monkeys out of this lab!”

Nice work, Trevor. These short stories set to board games are very creative and enjoyable!